Seasonal Ceremony

I offer Seasonal Ceremony open to all, coinciding with the eight pagan festivals in the wheel of the year. These include Samhain, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas and Autumn Equinox. I strive to make my Seasonal Ceremony work fully inclusive and accessible to all. Indigo Earth Seasonal Ceremonies are free to attend with the suggested donation of £5. 

I also create and perform bespoke seasonal ceremonies for individuals of groups on a sliding scale of £25 to £150. These ceremonies are for those people who want to celebrate and connect with the energy of a particular season. 

Up Coming Ceremony

Indigo Earth - Solstice Moon Ceremony

We will be working together in Sacred Circle to honour the Great Light within, the Unconscious Mind and the Dreamworld.

It is also a Full Moon, and we will be honouring December’s Moon, the Cold Moon.

We will be working with The Joyous Robin Spirit, a Divine Shamanic Energy that sings clarity and positivity and offers protection and healing to all that seek this Merry Being.

Past Ceremonies

Indigo Earth - Samhain Ceremony

Join us as we gather together to Celebrate the turning of The Wheel and the Season of Samhain

Samhain is an Ancient Celtic festival that marks the Feast of the Dead, the Pagan New Year and the Final Harvest. Ancient and modern Pagans alike, recognise that at this point in the year the veil between this World and the Otherworld is at its thinnest.

We will be working together in Sacred Circle to honour those loved ones who have passed over as well as our Ancestors and Great Spirit.

We will also be working with The Spider Spirit, a Divine Shamanic Energy that holds the Stories we Weave, all of Wisdom and the Web of Life.

The Wheel of the Year

Samhain, around the 31st October . The energetic theme of this season is DEATH, endings, passing over, fear, final harvest, wisdom, the unknown, the thinning of the veil between the worlds, transformation, release and the cries of loss.  The “Fear of Death” is this season’s state of being. 


Yule around the 21st December  The energetic theme of this season is DARKNESS, dreaming, hibernation, the night, sleep, the moon, the unconscious mind, stillness, the world beyond the veil, snow and ice, the frozen earth and the echo. The “Dream of Darkness” is this season’s state of being. 


Imbolc around the 1st February. The energetic theme of this season is NEW BEGININGS, hope, intentions, awakening, re-birth, budding, first breath of spring, melting of the ice and snow and the whisper .The “Hope of New Beginnings” is this season’s state of being. 


Spring Equinox around the 21st March . The energetic theme of this season is GROWTH, action, movement, burst of energy, returning to life, greening, balance, warmth returning to the earth and the buzz of excitement. The “Action of Growth” is this season’s state of being. 


Beltane around the 1st May. The energetic theme of this season is CREATION, love, orgasm, connection, blossoming, sexuality, flowers, colour everywhere, beauty, the blooming of the world around us and the sound of laughter. The “Love of Creation” is this season’s state of being. 


Summer Solstice around the 21st June . The energetic theme of this season is LIGHT, higher power, the sun, the conscious mind, ideas, choice, illumination, high energy, heat on the earth and spoken truth. The “Thought of Light” is this season’s state of being. 


Lammas around the 1st August. The energetic theme of this season is FRUITION, satisfaction, abundance, giving, sharing, supporting others, first harvest, fruitfulness, golden grasses, nourishment, plenty, fulfilment, feasting and the shout of celebration.  The “Satisfaction of Fruition” is this season’s state of being. 


Autumn Equinox around the 21st September. The energetic theme of this season is DECAY, rest, second harvest, slowing down, preparation for the end, cooler winds, browns, reds an orange of crisp leaves, returning to the earth and the sigh.  The “Rest of Decay” is this season’s state of being. 



“I like to think that to one in sympathy with Nature, each Season in turn seems the loveliest” - Mark Twain