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If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart.” -Buddha

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Welcome, From Joe – Priest of Indigo Earth

Hello to You, the special soul who is reading this! 

My name is Joseph and I am first and foremost me! I am born in London and have lived here most of my life. I currently live in Hackney. I have worked with people all of my life. I am an Elemental Pagan Priest and Priest of Indigo Earth. I work sacredly with the four elements while holding myself as the fifth. I also work with Universal Energy, Queer Spirit, Shamanic Spirits, Great Spirit and the energies of Goddess and the Sacred Masculine.  

I am a Sacred Celebrant. IPHM accredited. I hold ceremony for all of the blessed moments within any person's life including, birth, naming and renaming, marriage and death. 

I am a member of the LGBT+ community and identify as Queer. I also consider myself a Rainbow Warrior. I work with members of the LGBT+ community to honour moments in their lives that may not be recognised by the wider society as sacred, including rites of passage such as coming out and transition. 

I am a Shamanic Witch and have been practicing witchcraft since my teens.  

It is my duty and privilege to serve the Universe and Humanity in any way I can. Alongside my work as Priest and Celebrant I also work for a charity that supports people experiencing homelessness, substance misuse and mental health issues. 

I am also a Sacred Singer, Activist and Animal Lover 

I hope to get to know you. So if you have any questions or just want to say hi just get in touch. 


Love Always 


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What is Indigo Earth?


The Earth is a living being. Nature is amazing. The Earth is a Beautiful and Sacred Living Being. We are not separate from this living being. We are part of it and we are deeply connected to The Earth, all Life and to Each Other. 

The Earth is also in danger. Due to the actions of human beings upon The Earth all Life hangs in the balance. From coral reefs flickering out beneath the oceans to rainforests desiccating into savannahs, nature is being destroyed at a rate ten to hundreds of times higher than the average over the past 10m years, according to the UN global assessment report. 

But all is not lost. We can and must make a difference. We are responsible for the balance we hang in and we must be the ones to address it. I believe that we can make a difference. I believe it is our duty, both physically and spiritually to make a difference. 

Many people believe in the existence of Indigo Children, so called for their indigo auras. Souls born into this world to awaken others. To lead in the healing of others and of the earth. 

These are the values that live through the concept of Indigo Earth. 

Indigo Earth is here and now. It is past present and future. Timeless. It is not however just an energy, a mindset or a concept it is an action on the world. It is a doing. We can all part of an Indigo Earth. 



“Joe made sure our wedding was beautiful, unique and unforgettable. He consulted with us for months beforehand and ensured that the ceremony was tailored just for us. He thought of everything, from finding the perfect rope for the hand-fasting, to helping us write our own vows, and even hosting a small ceremony the day before the wedding to ground us and put us in the right frame of mind. On our wedding day, he was fun, charming, and a brilliant host - all our friends and family said his hand-fasting ritual was the most touching and memorable part of the day. We couldn't have done it without you, Joe!” - Andrew and Belinda

“I have attended many group ceremonies led by Joe for solstice and Lammas. These have always been informative, balanced and wonderful occasions filled with joy and connection with others.

I have also completed many 121 rituals with Joe in an ongoing body of work to address healing trauma and reconnecting with both myself and the world around me. Joe has wonderful energy and will spend time with you creating a ritual or ceremony that meets a specific need. We have developed a relationship that is based in complete honesty and I feel totally safe being open and vulnerable in his presence.” - Amaryllis