“Queer people in indigenous cultures were often revered for their relationship with the Divine, their ability to transcend the binary of masculine and feminine and to embody the liminal space between worlds.” - Joseph Atiase Priest of Indigo Earth

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LGBTQ+ Ceremonial Services

Awakening Ceremonies 

Spiritual support through awakening 

LGBT+ Ceremonial work 

Queer Shamanic Journey work 

Coming out Ceremony 

Transition Ceremonies 

Previous LGBTQ+ Ceremonies

Through The Prism - A Queer Shamanic Journey - Beyond the Prism of Spirit

Over this 3 hour workshop, you will be guided through a deep Shamanic Journey into the Realm of the Prism, where you will progress through several stages and transitions designed and created to aid you in clarifying your objective as a Queer person or Ally and come to terms with past challenges you have met to achieve healing.

Avalon’s Rainbow – A Ceremony to honour the Spirit of the LGBTQ+ Community

This online Pagan Ceremony is an inclusive space for all LGBTQ+ people and allies. We will be holding a unique ceremony specifically designed to celebrate the queer experience.

Working with the energies of Avalon, the Heart Chakra of the World and with the themes of Reverence, Love, Compassion and Unification we will honour all those who have come before and paved the way for Queer Liberation.

“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, define yourself.” — Harvey Fierstein