Elemental Ceremonies are for the individual or group looking to connect with a certain element. Different elements support work in different areas of our lives. I also provide elemental based workshops and ceremony for the progressive business.


Air Ceremonies

Air connects with the mind, consciousness, thought and the creation of ideas. It also works with the voice and communication. If you are struggling to be heard, needing to seek inspiration, or looking to blow away the cobwebs Air ceremonies are for you.

Air Ceremony with Indigo Earth 

Cleansing with Smoke (Smudging) 

Finding your Voice 

Universal Inspiration 

Catching your breath 

Sacred Listening as a Soul Friend (Anum Cara)


Fire Ceremonies

Fire is the element of courage, release and transformation. It's there to bring passion and heat in lives as well as bring illumination to our darker corners to our psyche. If you need to let go of something, turn a new page in your book or shine a light on your inner world Fire Ceremonies are for you

Fire Ceremony with Indigo Earth 

Cleansing by Fire 

The Fire of Release and Transformation 

Illuminating the soul 

Igniting my Passion 

Spark of Hope 


Water Ceremonies

Water I the element that connect with our emotions. It our sense of flow and movement. It is our tears of sadness and joy our journey from shallowness to our dark depths as emotional beings. If you feel trapped in an emotion or unable to connect who you are, if you feel stuck and in need of release then Water Ceremonies are for you. 

Emotional work can be difficult and dangerous. Safety and choice are key in this type of work. As a trauma informed practitioner who has worked with individuals experiencing trauma for 10 years I would recommend paddling before diving right in.  make all the difference.

Water Ceremony with Indigo Earth 

Blessing of Water 

Sacred Foot Washing 

Releasing of Emotion 

Exploring your Depths 

Becoming the River – Becoming Flow 


Earth Ceremonies

Earth is our connection to our bodies. It is the natural world. It is the strength beneath our feet and the nurturing and nourishing nature of the Mother Earth itself. It’s also connected with our home, family, work and health. Any and every physical aspect of our earthly existence is governed by this element. If you need to ground your anxiety, re-connect with the body, or bridge the gap between you and the living world then Earth Ceremonies are for you.


Earth Ceremony with Indigo Earth 

Connecting with the Earth 

Discovering our True Nature  

Walking the Land 

Deep Grounding,  

Learning to Nourish and Nurture Ourselves